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It happens because the Sun pulls on the oceans via the force of gravity, which depends on distance and is stronger on the side facing the Sun and weaker on the opposite side. This causes bulk movements of the water and hence the tides. The Moon also has a lesser effect that gives the difference between spring tides and neaps.

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Q: What can cause high low tides of an ocean?
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How does gravity effect the ocean?

The moons gravity pulls on the ocean, creating high and low tides. Depending on where the moon is located in contrast to where you are located, the moons gravity cause a spring tide, which is the largest hight range in high and low tides, and a neap tide, which is the least hight in high and low tides. I hope this helps. :)

The rising and lowering of ocean water is called the?

high tides and low tides

How do you know when there is a high tide or a low tide in the ocean?

No, High tides occur when there is a full or new moon. Low tides occure when there is a half or as quarter moon. This all makes a difference because the the cause of tides is the gravitational pull of the moon and sun if you need another reference go to google and type in video of an ocean tides there are some pretty interesting facts about tides

How many high tides and low tides do most locations in a ocean have daily?


How many times does the ocean level reach high or low tide?

two high tides and two low tides per day

Does the moon's gravity cause low tide or high tide?

The Moon's gravity is the primary cause of tides - all tides, both high and low.

Does Hawaii experience High and Low Tides?

Yes, these are a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean and have tides.

What is a high and low tide?

high tides are high water level they are called spring tides and low tides are low water level they are called neap tides. high tides and low tides occur when the sun, earth and the moon are inline. during new moon there are high tides at west and east and low tides at north and west, because the direction which the moon is facing that direction will have a high tide.

High tides usually occur twice each?

Most areas of the ocean have two high tides and two low tides a day (semidiurnal tide).

Why do fisherfolk want to know whether there will de a high tide or low tide?

There will be a high tides and low tides are the effect of the moon's gravitational pull on our ocean

What are two high tides and two low tides a day called?

High tides, low tides, spring tides (which are maximum high tides) and neap tides (which are the lowest of low tides).

What is name for level of ocean between high and low tides?

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