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I have sharpe pain in front of my leg from ankle up through the knee

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13y ago

Knee pain can be a symptom of numerous conditions and diseases, including knee stress, osteoarthritis , injury, gout , infection, and bursitis.

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How do you find out if you have an iliotibial injury?

It is best to identify where the pain is coming from. For an iliotibial injury, you will usually notice that the pain is coming from the outside of your leg. Anywhere from your knee, all the way to your hip.

What does it mean if you have a sudden knee injury for no apparent reason?

Sudden knee pain with no injury

Could wearing a knee guard save players from undergoing knee pain relief treatment?

Knee guards, or knee braces, can save a player from experiencing knee pain while playing sports. These guards stabilize the knees and keep them from twisting or moving into a position that will cause injury to the knee.

What can cause sharp knee pain?

Sudden or acute knee pain is often caused by injury which can include torn or sprained cruciate ligaments, ruptured tendons, dislocated knees or kneecaps, injuries to the meniscus. Chronic knee pain may be due to bursitis or arthritis.


This is called bone marrow edema. It can cause bleeding in the bone marrow, leading to severe pain. The injury is caused by an impact to the knee area.

What is iliotibial band?

This syndrome is a common cause of hip and knee pain found in athletes. Knee pain is most commonly felt where the outside knee and the lower thigh are. IT band syndrome can also result in a nagging or acute pain on the outer part of your hip.

What is bruised bone marrow of the knee?

This is called bone marrow edema. It can cause bleeding in the bone marrow, leading to severe pain. The injury is caused by an impact to the knee area.

Do a lot of people get knee pain while running?

A lot of people do get knee pain while running, due to various reasons being lack of circulation, joint deterioration, calcium build up or lack of endurance being done on the knee. It is important to rest when you feel the pain, as you may cause permanent injury.

What are the symptoms of an it band injury?

Iliotibial Band Syndrome will make you experience issues such as pain commonly along the outside of the knee and lower thigh. You could also experience a nagging pain on the hip, as well.

What are some common knee injuries that cause long term pain?

There are several injuries that can cause long term pain. Chondromalacia is one of these and it may require surgery. Another (although not an injury) is arthritis which can be treated but not cured.

Where can I find information on managing chronic pain from a knee injury?

You can find information on managing chronic pain from a knee injury though numerous sources. There is the net, books, magazines, and better yet, talking to a physician.

Is severe knee pain a symptom of arthritis?

There is a wide variety of symptoms and causes of severe knee pain. Besides a sudden injury or overuse of the injured knee, the pain can be attributed to bursitis, gout, and arthritis. Regardless of the condition, medical attention should be sought with knee pain.