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You may find it's a muscle spasm.

In that case, continual stretching, application of heat to the area and an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen could be used. If it hasn't cleared up within three days you should see your Doctor Who may provide you with a stronger anti-inflammatory like Voltaren.

Consider what kind of repetitive motions you do throughout the day - ie. constant lifting, bending, sitting in a chair that is not correctly positioned, etc. - and change those things to avoid having the problem reoccur.

You may also have pinched a nerve through some sudden movement of your shoulder-blades. In that case, unfortunately, all you can do is take an anti-inflammatory (which targets the source of your pain, swelling, rather than blocking the pain itself) and rest until the sensitivity fades.

If neither of these are the case, seeing a doctor would be a good idea.

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