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Q: What can cause permanent nerve cell damage in the brain?
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Can mononucleosis cause permanent nerve damage?

Yes, it can, I've suffered from mono and have permanant nerve damage in my neck.

What are the dangers of inhalers?

the fumes from toxic chemicals can kill you fast (heart stops, suffocation accidents) or slowly (brain damage). they can also cause permanent injuries such as nerve or kidney damage, permanent paralysis or shaking, brain damage and loss of bladder control (AKA YOUR URINATING PROCESSER)

Does the addition of ether to a nerve cause permanent damage to neural response?

no, just temporary

Damage to cochlea brain auditory nerve can cause what?

sensorineural hearing loss.

What happens if you accidentally hit the nerve during blood extraction?

Hitting a nerve while drawing blood can cause nerve damage to the patient. This is very serious and can result in a permanent disability.

Can you get nerve damage from chewing your cheeks on mdma?

You can get all kinds of nerve and brain damage from MDMA. Chewing the inside of your cheeks can cause a host of problems as well, including infections and mouth cancer.

Does playing football cause nerve damage?

Football can easily cause many injuries, including nerve damage. Even though you wear a helmet and padding, the constant hits from other players will take a toll on your brain and nervous system.

How does a person become colour blind?

Normally, this is inherited, but if it is not, then considerable damage to the Optic Nerve, Retina, or higher brain can cause this.

Lap Band fill cause Vagus nerve damage?

The vagus nerve is located in the arm of a human. The lap band fill procedure can cause nerve damage to this nerve.

Do narcissists have heat sensitivity brain damage or any kind of nerve problems?

There is no known brain damage connected with narcissism. As a personality disorder it may cause distress within oneself or dysfunction in relationships with others.

What causes your head to shake?

stress or a damage nerve in the brain.

How much could workers comp settlement be or permanent nerve damage in hands and neck?

i have nerve damage on my right hand and i am right handed how much should i settle for