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Q: What can cause puss to come out of the ear if no ear infection is present?
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Do you puss after a tongue piercing?

puss is a sign of infection

What causes puss?

Puss is caused by an infection where the body is actively attempting to fight it off. This microscopic war results in massive amounts of dead bacteria and white blood cells which cause puss.

What would cause a large red puss filled bump on upper leg oval shaped it busted in the middle of the night and puss came out?

It is a bacterial infection. You should get checked out.

What is the white stuff that comes out of pimples?

i believe it is puss but i may be wrong

White puss in wound?

White puss usually indicates an infection...i'd get that checked out immediately

What do you do if puss is coming out of you earring hole?

you have a ear infection !

White blood and puss in child's urine but no infection?

If the child IS pissing blood and puss, then this kid is messed up.

How do you get rid of puss?

It requires a doctor's examination and if determined to be a bacterial infection, the doctor will prescribe medications (antibiotics) if there is puss found.

What are the white smelly things that come from your tonsils?

That's what infection that you get from "tonsillitis" looks like . It forms a white/yellow kind of coating on the tonsil's.

Whats does it mean when a cat has puss and sores on their back paws?

Puss is a reaction to an infection. If your cat has sores on its back paws that are leaking puss, your cat needs to be seen by a veterinarian.

How do you get rid of throat puss?

It requires a doctor's examination and if determined to be a bacterial infection, the doctor will prescribe medications (antibiotics) if there is puss found.

What causes pink eye with green puss and eyelid swelling?
