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Water, and high sugars!

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Q: What can cause your urine to be diluted?
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Related questions

Can diluted urine cause a violation of probation?

Diluted urine can cause a violation of probation. Diluted urine indicates that the urine has been tampered with to alter test results.

Why does urine have to be diluted so heavily for a Jaffe's reaction test?

to diluted the substance that present in the urine

Can high blood sugars cause diluted urine?

Yes - the sugars act as a diuretic in the kidneys and draw water out of the blood.

What causes your urine to be diluted?

Water, and high sugars!

Can diluted urine give a false negative?

If you deliver a diluted sample, they'll flunk you just for the dilution.

How can you prevent getting a diluted on a urine test?

Eat lots of red meat. Red meat contains high levels of creatine which is what they look for to make sure your urine is not diluted.

Can a lab still test your urine even if its been diluted?


What is the effect of diluted urine have on the red blood cell?

they hemolyse

Is a diluted urine sample the same as a positive test?


How do you clean a cotton mattress from baby's urine?

Diluted peroxide does an awesome job cleaning urine stains.

Will green tea cause a dilluted urine in a drug screen?

Enough liquid (of any kind) will show you have diluted it. If it isn't sent to a lab, flush your system (with any liquid) before your test and take a B-12 to put color back in your urine. Also, if sent to a lab, they will know it is diluted and you will be considered dirty.

Is clear urine always diluted?

clear urine is pure urine the same as coloured urine is colured urine. if it comes out of the end of the uereretra it is pure. Under normal cicumstances.