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A rift zone on land, a mid ocean ridge under the ocean.

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Q: What can divergent boundaries form?
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How are oceanic ridges form?

divergent boundaries

Ocean ridges are formed by what boundaries?

Divergent boundaries form ocean ridges.

Do divergent boundaries cause island arcing?

No. Divergent boundaries cause mid ocean ridges (MORs) to form.

What are plate boundaries that move away form each other?


What landforms are formed at diverging boundaries?

In plate tectonics, divergent boundaries occur when plates pull apart. On land, divergent boundaries form rifts or valleys. More commonly, divergent boundaries in the ocean occur and cause mid-oceanic ridges. Divergent boundaries can also form volcanoes when the plates separate enough to allow molten lava to seep out, harden, and eventually form islands.

Is a stratovolcano a divergent volcano?

No. Stromboli is associated with a subduction zone, which is a convergent boundary.

Can volcanoes form along divergent boundaries on land?


What landforms form by divergent boundaries?

Rift Valley and Ridges

Can volcanoes form along divergent plate boundaries on land?


How do divergent boundaries of oceanic crust form islands?

Collisions of plates

Are divergent plate boundaries associated with folded mountains and deep sea trenches?

No. Sea floor trenches are found at convergent boundaries. divergen boundaries form mid-ocean ridges.

What are ways mountains can form along plate boundaries?

Transform, Divergent, and Convergent