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You could get foodpoisoning, all sorts of viruses, and you could even die. So keep pork refrigerated and cook it thoroughly Oh and never eat pork that is out of expiration date, that will make you sickly too.

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Q: What can happen if you eat unrefrigerated pork?
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How long can raw pork be unrefrigerated before it is unsafe?

Refrigerated food can only go unrefrigerated for four hours.

You forgot to refridgerate leftover pork can you eat it?

That will depend how long you left it unrefrigerated. Cooked food should not be left unrefrigerated at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Any longer than that - consider discarding it.

How long can you keep cooked pork chops?

Cooked or raw, pork chops should never go unrefrigerated over two hours.

Is it ok to eat cooked roast pork if unrefrigerated for 5 hours?

Probably not - hot foods should be either kept hot or placed in the refrigerator within 2 hours of cooking.

What happen if pork set in the sun for long hours?

Pork left in the sun for long hours may be unsafe to eat. It should be thrown out.

What can happen if you eat lunch meat that has been unrefrigerated for over 24 hours?

If you live in a particularly hot or humid area then bin it. otherwise.... it won't kill you.

Does a Hindu eat pork?

Yes, they eat pork but they don't eat beef.

Does meaghan jette martin eat pork?

yes she eat pork

When can you eat pork?

Muslims don't eat pork

Are peeled carrots unrefrigerated safe to eat?

You have to wash them afterwards

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses not eat pork?

Jehovah's Witnesses can eat pork if they wish, as long as it is properly bled. Jews and Muslims do not eat pork.

What would happen if you ate raw bacon doused in alcohol?

well one thing is that you should never eat raw pork and bacon is pork so it could be bad for your health