

What can help a heavy period?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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A heavy flow should be dabbed by super jumbo tampons

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Q: What can help a heavy period?
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Related questions

What do you do about a heavy period?

there isn't much you can do birth control can help with that though it makes flows more regular and less heavy get bananas it helps for cramps

How does exercising help your period?

I have read that running or brisk walking is very good exercise when you are on your period. Youc an even continue with your usual gym work-out but perhaps not do such heavy wieghts. Generally exercising on your period will help to relive bloating and cramps.

Is it harmful if you lift heavy objects when on your period?

No, it isn't harmful to lift heavy things while on your period - you can do anything during your period that you would do at any other time in your menstrual cycle. Just be sure to lift from the knees and use any appropriate tools to help you, like any other time lifting heavy things can cause damage if not done correctly.

Your period is heavy and will not stop can you go swimming?

no you can not go swimming when your period is heavy. When it is at they very end and its not that heavy your period will not stop in the water, but will be held back. Also, if you go swimming and you have your period when you get out of the pool it might start to drip down your leg.

Do you get a period after your first depo shot?

it is not a period it is heavy spotting.

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What if your on your period but not heavy only spotting can you still get pregnant if he ejactulates in you?

Heavy Period Changed to Light Period?

we need more detail

If you are on your period can you swim? sort of depends on how heavy your period is. If your period is considerably light, then yes, i suppose it could be okay, usually the water washes away the blood, and prevents stains on your swimsuit/two peice. I would also highly recommend swimming while on your period, as it help you de-stress and let loose for a while. hope this help. xoxo

I pop my gf cherry she got her period early heavy bleeding for the past 4 days whats going on help?

its not her period, there is a layer of skin in the vagina that you break through when you have sex. that is whats bleeding. it will stop.

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