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to get rid of leg hair, there are many different options, and one will suit you more than others. shaving is the cheapest option, and is painless and quick, although it does make your leg hairs appear thicker, and your leg hair gets darker. if you dont shave properly, you can get little tiny cuts which sometimes bleed on your legs. after shaving, you get regrowth in a few days, or a week, depending on your hormones. hair removal creams work the same as shaving, except there is no razor involve. You just put cream on you legs, leave for a few minutes, and wash off, or use a razor with no blade which comes in the packet. it works the same as shaving because it doesnt take the hair from the roots and regrowth comes quickly. i prefer waxing, definitely not during menstrual cycles, but going to a professional might cost a little more. it will give you at least 2-3 weeks of no leg hair and in the long run, your hairs become weaker therefore when you get older you will have little hair on your legs. although the negative about waxing, is that it can hurt. some people say it hurts, some say it dont (which i say it doesnt) but you also must wait at least 6 weeks before you can wax it again because the leg hairs have to be a bit longer. hope that helps! yes it will

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Q: What can i use to get rid of leg hair?
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No. Nair gets rid of the hair that's already on the area you use it, so it only lasts until new hair grows back. This is only gets rid of hair for a couple of days, just as long as shaving would.

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I use this: hair-free-hair-remover com

How do you prevent leg hair?

You can't. Leg hair grows practically everyday. But if you want to , you can shave everyday in the shower. Or every two days or so on. Another way to get rid of leg hair would be to get laser hair removal but that can cost an awful amount of money. So I suggest shaving everyday to keep the hair from coming back.

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our bodies have a set amount of hair follicles(what the hair grows from) so unless the follicle is dead the same amount of hair keeps coming back.

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