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Q: What can irritate ringworm?
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Can you go tanning with ringworm?

Yes you can go tanning with ringworm. The bright UV lights damage the ringworm fungus and drys out your skin. This process of quickly drying the skin will actually help get rid of the ringworm. I would wait to apply any topical creams until after you are done tanning because they might irritate your skin when combined with tanning lights. P.S. Don't tell the tanning business that you have ringworm because they might not let you into the beds. (You can trust this answer, I have had ringworm multiple times, it comes with being a wrestler)

What happens if you put bleach on ringworm?

On mines it dried up the place I put it and soon it turned Into a giant sore.ON the other hand it healed up and the ring worm was gone.

How can a fungi be harmful?

Cause diseases and infections such as athlete's foot, ringworm, lung infections ... as well as irritating those with allergies

Can you get ringworm from someone who has chickenpox?

Chickenpox and ringworm are caused by completely different microbes. You can only get ringworm from someone with chickenpox if they also have ringworm.

What is ringworm in French?

ringworm= la teigne

Can children get ringworm?

Yes children can get ringworm.

When is ringworm not contagious?

Ringworm is not contagious after 24 hours

Will doxycycline treat ringworm?

doxycycline can be used for ringworm?

What are example sentences for the word irritate?

Don't irritate your younger brother. Mom, he is the one who irritates me.

What do ringworm's do to you inside your body?

Ring worm is a fungal infection of the skin. The fungi produces hyphae which invade the dead cells in your skin. However, the enzymes they produce irritate the living cells, which mount a defense. This causes the itchy, sore red areas.

Can you play football with ringworm?

Only if the ringworm have helmets and pads.

What temperature kills ringworm?

You could not get your skin hot enough to kill the ringworm without burning yourself.