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Ring worm is a fungal infection of the skin. The fungi produces hyphae which invade the dead cells in your skin. However, the enzymes they produce irritate the living cells, which mount a defense. This causes the itchy, sore red areas.

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Q: What do ringworm's do to you inside your body?
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Why do ringworms keep appearing on someones body even after creams and medicines?

Maybe the creams and medicines do not work for your body and it is not strong enough to get rid of the ringworms.

What does ringworms eat?

Ringworm eat the nutrients from your body!

What do ringworms eat if they don't eat the nutrients from your body?


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Where was ringworms discovered?

in Austin TX

What is the name of the fungus that cause ringworms?

there are many scientific names for ringworm, what identifies the name is where it is found.ringworm of the body is Tinea corporis, this one is the most common.

How do you get a ringworms?

by touching a cat.

Can aloe vera help ringworms?

Yes it can

Will econazole nitrate treat ringworms?


Does detergent cause ringworms on the body and buttucks?

No. But eczema can and sometimes (I'd never say it if I hadn't seen it myself) it can resemble ringworms in really strange, severe cases. If you have ringworms, you should search for another cause, but if you are getting red, round, scaly patches after using a certain detergent, you should see a Dr., double check possible causes, and seek treatment. Certain areas of the skin, such as the buttocks, are more sensitive and more prone to rashes.