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Travis Dach

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Q: What can lead to the development of new mutations in the gene pool?
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How can new mutations be added to a gene pool?

Mutations are added to a gene pool when a mutation (completely random) occurs in a person. They will pass this gene on to their offspring (and so on, and so forth).

Does gene flow spread advantageous mutations?

Yes, gene flow can spread advantageous mutations by introducing them into new populations. This can help increase genetic diversity and lead to adaptation to changing environments. However, if the advantageous mutation is already present in the recipient population, gene flow may not have a significant impact on spreading it.

How molecular mechanisms can introduce variatian into the gene pool of plant or animal population?

Mutations in the DNA code can introduce variation into the gene pool of a population.

Explain how different factors can affect a population's gene pool?

Factors such as mutations, gene flow (migration), genetic drift, natural selection, and non-random mating can all affect a population's gene pool. Mutations introduce new genetic variation, gene flow can introduce new alleles, genetic drift can cause random changes in allele frequencies, natural selection can favor certain alleles, and non-random mating can lead to preferential inheritance of specific genotypes, ultimately influencing the genetic diversity of the population.

Do living things evolve because of mutations of their DNA?

Mutations usually cause things to evolve, depending on the gene which is mutated. Mutations are changes in the genetic material of an organism resulting in changes in the gene pool (if the mutated traits are passed on). If the mutated gene is a desirable/advantageous one, then the chances that it willbe passed on to future generations is increased. In this process, which occurs over a period of time, old genes may be lost in the gene pool, resulting in evolution.I don't see how it doesn't cause evolution.

What are the two types of gene shuffling?

Gene shuffling means the genetic recombination and mutations of a gene pool of a species where genetic recombination is the mixture of parent alleles that are passed on and the mutations are the random changes in an organisms DNA that are passed on.

Mutations are not able to cause things to evolve because?

Whoa. Mutations usually cause things to evolve, depending on the gene which is mutated. Mutations are changes in the genetic material of an organism resulting in changes in the gene pool (if the mutated traits are passed on). If the mutated gene is a desirable/advantageous one, then the chances that it willbe passed on to future generations is increased. In this process, which occurs over a period of time, old genes may be lost in the gene pool, resulting in evolution. I don't see how it doesn't cause evolution.

How do new traits arise to create genetic variability?

Random mutations of DNA happen and these get inserted into the gene pool as the species breed.

How does gene flow affect the fitness of population?

Gene flow within a population distributes mutations among the individuals. Immigration and emigration transport alleles into and out of a population's gene pool, thus affecting the result of natural selection.

What change in genes or chromosomes that causes a new trait to be inherited?

Mutations create variation in the gene pool by causing new traits to appear

Are mutations the only way to add new genes to a gene pool?

No, mutations are not the only way to add new genes to a gene pool. Gene flow, which involves the movement of genes between populations, can also introduce new genetic variation. Additionally, genetic recombination during sexual reproduction can shuffle existing genes to create new combinations.

The gene pool for a particular gene is?

a gene pool is the mixture of a group of a species' genes. like, if you took all of the DNA of a group of people, and mixed it all together, that would be a gene poolThe total of all alleles present in a population.All of the alleles in one population