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Q: What can low fiber cause?
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Where can I find out more about low fiber foods?

Low-fiber foods can aid in digestion for those recovering from gastrointestinal or bowel problems. The Mayo Clinic has prepared a helpful list of low-fiber foods and even a sample low-fiber meal plan which can be found at .

Are grits okay to eat on a low fiber diet?

I need to know the answer to this because a colonoscopy on the 20th and I must do a low fiber diet for a few days and wonder if grits are low fiber

Is bread a high fiber or low fiber?

if it whole wheat bread then yes its high in fiber

Does the low fiber diet work very well?

A low fiber diet doesn't work very well for everybody. People with certain medical issues may find a low fiber diet useful but the majority of the human population does not require a low fiber diet. As you need fiber to clean out your digestive systems, it is the best choice to keep on your diet and include extra fiber in there so as to get rid of all the waste from the diet.

What is a low fiber diet and where do I find tips?

Fiber is the part of many fruits and vegetables that is not digested by the body. A low-fiber diet's purpose is reduce the amount of undigested materials to lessen stool bulk. It is important to eat foods such as enriched white bread, white rice, plain white pasta, crackers, refined flower based waffles and pancakes, and eggs. Some thing to avoid while on a low-fiber diet are whole-wheat or whole-grain breads, brown rice, dried fruits, raw fruits, nuts, and popcorn. Another helpful tip is to limit the amount of milk that you drink. While milk contains no fiber, the lack of fiber in your diet can cause the residue that milk leaves in your digestive tract to cause diarrhea.

What low fiber foods help maintain a healthy diet? This site talks about how to keep weight under control and how to maintain a healthy diet by eating low fiber foods such as fruits.

Why do people get hemorrhoids?

Low fiber in their diet.

Where can I find healthy fiber supplements at low cost?

A person can find healthy fiber supplements at a low cost at GNC. They also have an online store where you can shop for any of the supplements at a low cost.

Is the western diet is high in meat and fiber?

The Western diet is typically high in meat and low in fiber.

Is the Western diet high in meat and fiber?

The Western diet is typically high in meat and low in fiber.

What is the disease caused due to lack of roughage?

diverticulosis its a condition where you develop nooks in you colon that can catch food particles and cause an infection. It is caused by a diet low in fiber.

Consequences for inadequate fiber?

Not getting enough fiber in your diet can have many consequences. Low fiber leads to constipation and an increased risk of colon cancer.