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Newborn rats can be bottle fed with KMR, a kitten replacement formula.

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Q: What can newborn rats eat other than mothers' milk?
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When do newborn rats open their eyes?

Newborn rats generally open their eyes when they are about two weeks old.

Why is milk important to rats?

Rats are mammals. Mammals feed their Young on milk.

Do rats eat meat milk or eggs?

Rats can eat meat, milk, eggs, and anything they come to contact with.

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Do rats feed milk?

yes they suckle their young on their own milk

How can you tell the difference between a baby squirrell and a baby rat?

Newborn Squirrels have dark brown nails, Newborn rats have white to tan nails.

Why did Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH win a newborn medal?

cause eits awsome!

What are the similarities between newborn squirrels and newborn mice?

You have to look at the tail. Squirrels have bushy tails. mouses have thin tails.

Will your adult rats care for a newborn mouse?

most likely they wont but it depends on the breed of the rat

Why can rats eat milk?

because it is never good for them

When do rats stop drinking milk?

When their fully furred.

Can rats eat dog milk bones?
