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You can do Various courses after doing B.A program.

like you can go for MBA after giving CAT, MAT exam.

You can do M.A, Law, even go for Mass Communication.

mostly after graduation, you can do most of the courses available.

so chill..! :)

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Q: What can one do after completing BA Honours degree in general illustration?
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What is the difference between honours degrees or with honours?

An honours degree generally requires more credits (and thus more courses) to graduate than a "general" degree, whereas graduating "with honours", I believe, is based upon maintaining a certain average grade either throughout one's studies or in one's graduating year.

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yes, in fact you only need a general degree to qualify for teaching.

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You say "a hounours degree" If you actually pronounce the 'h' when you say it. Not many people do that, so you say, An honours degree'. Just like saying 'An onours degree' With no 'h'. And since 'o' is a vowl you say 'an' before it, not 'a'.

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Typically, it is the bachelor's degree that is required as a prerequisite. While helpful, an honours degree is not necessary for most programs that I am aware of.

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An honours degree requires a higher academic standard than a pass degree, and in most universities a fourth year of study.

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B-tec honorary degree

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Medical Illustration degree

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The equivalent of an Honors diploma in French is likely referred to as "diplôme avec mention bien" or "diplôme avec mention très bien" depending on the level of distinction.

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well, you have to have 4 years of undergraduate study at a college or university. then u can takea 3 year course and earn a general degree, or u can go the extra year and get an honours degree.

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2:1 which means it is an Upper Second class degree.

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An ordinary degree is equivalent to NVQ 4 and an Honours degree to NVQ 5.

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BA Honours Degree?