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Q: What can oxytocin stimulate?
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An agent that stimulate the uterus to contract is?


Does oxytocin stimulate milk?

Oxytocis triggers ejection of milk.Not stimulates the production.

The hormone oxytocin aids the birth process by stimulating?

To stimulate uterine contraction.

Anything that contains oxytocin?

Oxytocin is a neurohormone that is released to stimulate uterine contractions. When labor is induced, Pitocin is given. This is a synthetic form of oxytocin. Additionally, oxytocin stimulates mammary glands for milk let down in breast feeding mothers.

State the function of the hormones oxytocin?

Dunno what it does in males (if anything).  In females, it stimulates lactation, mostly.  If given artificially, it can stimulate contraction of the uterus and parturition (doctors use it to induce labor).  But it isn't really clear if the pituitary secretes oxytocin on its own to stimulate labor, or if there is some other mechanism that induces labor.

What hormone is given to pregnant women to stimulate her uterus to contract and begin labor?

B oxytocin

Does oxytocin prevents premature births?

No oxytocin is used to stimulate labor. In humans, oxytocin stimulates milk let down during lactation, uterine contraction during birth and is released during sexual orgasm in both men and women.

Does the hormone Oxycontin stimulate strong contractions of the uterus?

Oxytocin is a hormone that does so. Oxycontin is the brand name of a pain killer.

What hormone is most involved in labor?

oxytocin high estrogen concentration in late pregnancy increases the concentration of oxytocin receptors on the smooth muscle of the uterus (the myometrium), increasing the myometrial sensitivity to oxytocin and this will eventually lead to spontaneous labour prostoglandins also stimulate uterine contraction relaxin, secreted by the placenta, and the corpus leuteum of pregnancy, softens the cervix and the pelvic ligaments, making it easier for the baby to pass through the cervix and vagina

What is the hormone that is secreted by the pituitary gland that stimulates uterine contractions?

The hormone that stimulates contractions of the uterus in mammals is oxytocin. However, the story is probably rather more complex. In mice, for example, that had no cell membrane receptors for oxytocin, birth took place as usual. Oxytocin has a short peptide molecule consisting of just nine amino acids.

Is there a medicine to stimulate lactation in mares?

Oxytocin causes "milk let" down in a mare. NEVER give to a PREGNANT mare as it can cause the foal to be born prematurely or abort it!

How is the level of oxytocin controlled by a positive-feedback mechanism?

The oxytocin in blood stimulates the pituitary to secrete more oxytocin.