

What can runoff cause?

Updated: 6/9/2024
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4d ago

Runoff can cause pollution by carrying contaminants such as chemicals, fertilizers, and sediment into water bodies, impacting water quality and ecosystems. It can also lead to erosion and flooding, affecting soil health and increasing the risk of landslides in certain areas. Proper management of runoff is essential to reduce these negative impacts and protect the environment.

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Chemicals such as pesticides cause water pollution from storm runoff.

How does clmate effect the amount of runoff?

Warm climates reduce runoff because evaporation increases. cold climates reduce runoff because precipitation is trapped in a form of snow or ice so there is little imediate runoffif traveling occurs slowly there is less runoff but if thawing occurs rapidly runoff can cause a significant problem like flooding nd mudslides

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They help prevent erosion by controlling runoff.

What is snowmelt runoff?

Runoff is water that flows over the ground surface. Snowmelt runoff is runoff from melting snow.

How runoff effects a lake?

Heavy runoff from pollutants can affect lakes and rivers water quality.

How could runoff water pollute streams and rivers?

It could cause fatal disease if not handled carefully!

Does fertilizer runoff impact water supplies?

Most agricultural and lawn fertilizers cause algae to grow. Whether that is considered beneficial depends on whether algae is a desired product. Fertilizers can be intentionally applied to holding ponds to cause algae growth, while unintended fertilizer runoff can cause oxygen-depleting blooms that harm the environment.