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Most agricultural and lawn fertilizers cause algae to grow. Whether that is considered beneficial depends on whether algae is a desired product. Fertilizers can be intentionally applied to holding ponds to cause algae growth, while unintended fertilizer runoff can cause oxygen-depleting blooms that harm the environment.

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Q: Does fertilizer runoff impact water supplies?
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Why is fertillizer a problem?

Fertilizer is a problem because if you put to much of it, runoff from rain will take it to a river. From there, it can harm animals who drink from that river, and it contaminates some water supplies.

Which body of water is most sensitive to fertilizer runoff?

Pond, because the water is stagnant.

Which body of water is more sensitive to the effects of fertilizer runoff?

The body of water that is more sensitive to the effects of fertilizer are those with stagnant water. An example of this body of water is a pond.

How could a fish suffer from hypoxia?

Fish can get hypoxia from nitrogen based fertilizer runoff in the water.

How does fertilizer in surface water runoff affect algae?

once the surface runoff has reached a water body if the fertilizer contains nitrogen or phosphorous it can lead to eutrophic conditions in the water that promote algae growth. the algae growth will also be effected by the amount of flushing in the water body, temperature and if the water is stagnant or has ripples/waves.

What is chemical runoff?

Chemical runoff in an agricultural context is when farming chemicals, such as fertilizer are not absorbed into the topsoil. When a heavy rain comes, these chemicals are caught in the storm water runoff and make their way into streams, rivers, and lakes.

Where is runoff found?

Fertilizer (and pesticide) contaminates water draining from: * Golf courses * Farms * Urban and suburban residential areas * Fertilizer and pesticide manufacturing, sales and transfer sites

How does runoff impact erosion?

runoff is what causes erosion, because as the water runs down the slope it carries with it the particles of material that form the slope

What impact does water have on both inorganic and organic fertilizer?

Availability and unavailability describe the impacts of water on inorganic and organic fertilizers. Moist soil that is not saturated makes fertilizer ingredients accessible and available because they are in soluble form for plant uptake, soil distribution and soil food web member use. Unavailability results from overwatering, runoff or waterlogging.

How is extra nitrogen getting into the bay ecosystem?

Fertilizer is used to provide nitrogen needed by growing plants. Fertilizer runoff to streams is usually the source of extra nitrogen in bodies of water.

What is Artificial eutrophication?

Eutrophication that occurs because of the introduction of inorganic plant nutrients into a body of water through sewage and fertilizer runoff.

How Harmful affects of runoff fertilizer in ponds streams and fish?

The runoff from fertilizer creates algae blooms. when the algae decomposes it takes away dissolved oxygen from the water. This suffocates fish, causing dead zones. Google it. you can find tons of answers. scientific America is a reliable source. hope i helped