

What can scratch Magnetite?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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I think it's either glass or minerals harder than 7 or 6 srry lol

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Q: What can scratch Magnetite?
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Can magnetite scratch other rocks and minerals?

Yes magnatite does and it can be scratched by a nail Jk!

Can magnetite can scratch other rocks and minerals?

Yes magnatite does and it can be scratched by a nail Jk!

Is magnetite a hard or soft rock?

Magnetite is considered to be a hard mineral, not a rock, because it has the ability to scratch glass and its hardness number is greater than 5.5 according to the Mohs scale.

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the answer is something harder than fluorite some examples are granite , magnetite , diamonds , and quartz .

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magnetite magnetite magnetite magnetite magnetite magnetite magnetite magnetite

What is the chemical compound for magnetite?

Magnetite is Fe3O4.

What is the diaphaneity of magnetite?

The diaphaneity of magnetite is opaque.

What is the luster magnetite?

Magnetite has a metallic luster.

Where was magnetite found?

Magnetite was found on the mountain of Mount Ida.

What the formula of magnetite?

The formula for magnetite is Fe3O4. Magnetite is a mineral found in nature in the form of iron oxides. This ore is a natural magnet.

Dose magnetite have more cleavage or fracture?

Magnetite tends to exhibit more fracture than cleavage. Fracture occurs when a mineral breaks irregularly, producing rough or jagged surfaces, while cleavage is the tendency of a mineral to break along flat planes. Magnetite typically breaks along irregular surfaces due to its strong atomic bonding structure.

Is magnetite a silicate?

No, magnetite is not a silicate mineral. It is an iron oxide mineral that has the chemical formula Fe3O4. Silicate minerals are composed of silicon and oxygen atoms in their chemical structure.