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A prism. Water droplets can perform as prisms.

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Q: What can separate white light into its individual colors?
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Where you see a spectrum of colours?

If you pass white light through a prism, it will separate out into the individual colors of the visible spectrum.

Refraction can separate white light into what?

Refraction can separate white light into the spectrum of visible light from red to violet.

All of the colors in white light are visable when white light is?

Yes, although the separate colors are perceived to your eye as white. If you have a prism you can separate white light into the continuous color spectrum. This effect is also achieved in rainbows.

What white light separate into different colors?

A prism

How can you see colors in white light?

Separate using a prism.

Is a prism used to turn white light into black light?

No. It is used to split white light into its separate colors.

How white light produced different colors?

White light doesn't produce different colors. The only way to make white light is tocombine light with all of the different colors. So if you already have white light, allof the colors are already there. You only have to separate them in order to see them.

What did newtons use to separate white light into a spectrum of colors?

a prism

What device is used to separate the white light to different colors?

A prism.

What sort of div-ice is commonly used to separate the colors of light from white light?

A prism

Which scientific tool can also separate white light into a spectrum of colors?

A prism

What can cause all colors of visible light to be seen in a rainbow?

water separate white light into visible light