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A prism

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Q: Which scientific tool can also separate white light into a spectrum of colors?
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magnify glass
Related questions

What did newtons use to separate white light into a spectrum of colors?

a prism

Refraction can separate white light into what?

Refraction can separate white light into the spectrum of visible light from red to violet.

How does light separate into the colors of the visible spectrum?

When light goes through a prism, it separates into a rainbow.

Where you see a spectrum of colours?

If you pass white light through a prism, it will separate out into the individual colors of the visible spectrum.

Why does white light separate into the spectrum of colors when forming a rainbow?

It's a wonder of this universe.

The band of colors produced when white light is divided into its separate colors?

I believe its called the spectrum though i may be wrong

Why is a spectrum of colors not obtained when light passes through a glass slab?

The light has to pass through in a way that the colors are separated and refracted, but if they pass through glass and are not refracted in a certain way they will not separate the spectrum

All of the colors in white light are visable when white light is?

Yes, although the separate colors are perceived to your eye as white. If you have a prism you can separate white light into the continuous color spectrum. This effect is also achieved in rainbows.

When sunlight passes through a prism the different wavelengths separate into an what of colors?

A spectrum. The rainbow is an example of refracted light.

What did newton use to separate white light into spectrum of colors?

Newton Discovered that White light comprised of the entire spectrum of the visible wave length. When white light was shone through a triangular prism, it refracted the entire color spectrum.

What material is use to separate the colors of spectrum?

A glass prism is the best way to see how light can be separated into the full spectrum of color. A cut crystal piece will also break the light up.

The mixture of colors in white light is called the spectrum?

The spectrum