

What can you add when most of the soil is clay?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What can you add when most of the soil is clay?
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How do you improve clay loam?

Add sand or spred lime in the soil Add sand or spred lime in the soil Add sand or spred lime in the soil

Bedrock is underlain by clay soil. Which one is in the most bottom postition?

The clay soil.

Why do most farmers hate clay soil on their farm?

Most farmers dislike clay soil because it tends to have poor drainage, making it difficult for roots to access water and nutrients. Clay soil is also often compacted, making it hard to cultivate and leading to poor aeration. Additionally, clay soil can be challenging to work with, requiring more effort and resources to amend and improve its quality for planting crops.

Which soil holds the most water?

Clay retains the most water.

What vegetables can you grow well in clay soil?

I have red clay soil and I don't think anything grows well in it unless you dig most of the clay out and put top soil in it.

What is the cheapest and easiest way to improve the hard clay soil in your garden?

Add bags of gypsum and mix it in. It breaks up the clay particles so you, and the plants, can work the soil.

Which soil has water holding capacity?

soil that is made up of about equal parts of clay, sand, and silt is called loam. it has a crumbly texture that holds both air and water. loam is best for growing most types of plants.

Why is Clay important in soil?

It is important to have clay in your soil because clay is fertile

In which type of soil would you expect to see most bubbles when water is mixed with the soil sample?

clay soil

What type of soil is sticky?

most of the time clay is the "stickiest"

Why is the Oklahoma soil red?

It has more clay in it then most soils

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