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What can you conclude about DNA and RNA from the fact that they are like a cell's "brain?"

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Jose Luettgen

Lvl 13
2y ago
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They control the cell's activities and heredity.

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Q: What can you conclude about DNA and RNA from the fact that they are like a cells brain?
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What can you conclude about DNA and RNA from the fact that they are like cell brain?

What can you conclude about DNA and RNA from the fact that they are like a cell's "brain?"

Does writing help your brain cells?

Yes, writing can help activate and stimulate various parts of the brain, such as the regions responsible for language processing, memory, and cognitive functions. Engaging in writing tasks regularly can help improve cognitive function and promote mental clarity.

How are cell like brains?

you should know but you probably dont have any brain cells so goodbye and have a crappy day Cells are like our brain in three different ways. Cells help us think like our brain. Cells help us move and even hear like our brain.

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By the body, naturally, no. What you have is what you have. But with new scientific deelopments like stem cell research, growing specialized cells like brain cells may be possible.

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Drinking water is essential for overall brain health and function, as it helps maintain proper hydration which is necessary for optimal brain function. While staying hydrated can support cognitive function, it does not directly repair damaged brain cells. Other factors such as nutrition, rest, and avoiding toxins are also important for brain health and repair.

What structure in cells is like a brain?

Brain controls the body activities.Nucleus controls the cellular activities.

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It can cause deaf and also brain cells can be disconected or not in the brain no more like how it used to

Why does the brain not grow back brain cells?

It was once thought that the brain could not create new cells and neurons, but newer evidence shows the brain has a capacity to repair itself just like the rest of the body.