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Documentation is probably your best friend in a situation like this. You need to be able to show that you're aware of the ID theft and have taken steps to correct it. Depending on the kind of ID theft you experienced (i.e., someone using your credit, someone using your SS# for work history, someone using your name in criminal matters), you should file a report with the appropriate agency and keep copies of that report. If you haven't already, file a report of ID theft with your local police agency; many states now have laws stating that you may make such a report in your jurisdiction regardless of where the actual crime took place. You can check with your state attorney's office to see if this applies in your state. Also file a report with the FBI's internet Fraud Complaint Center (; this will help find the person(s) who commited the fraud as well as provide you with more documentation. If the fruad or ID theft involved the US mail, contact you local Postal Inspector and file a report there. IF someone is using your SS#, file a report with the Social Security Administration. You can check to see if someone is working under your SS# by obtaining a statement of earnings from the SSA. Finally, make sure for your own protection that you place a fraud alert on your credit; this can be done by contacting any one of the three credit reporting bureaus (Experian, Equifax adn TransUnion). Beware - fraud alerts expire and must be renewed, so make sure to check how long they'll last on your report. Also file disputes on any unauthorized accounts and get a copy of the dispute on paper. Keeping a file of reports saying, basicially, "I was a victim of ID theft and I can prove it" is a good start in protecting your character and credit. That said, landlords have the right to accept or reject whomever they choose, so all the documentation in the world won't help if you've got a stubborn landlord on your hands. But showing that you've done your work and pointing out good credit standing prior to the ID theft should help. It's said that the greatest toll on the victim of ID theft is the time involved in correcting the situation, which can take months or even years. Good luck and happy home hunting.

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Q: What can you do about not being able to rent an apartment due to identity theft that caused a bad credit report and landlords keep rejecting your applications?
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