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Nothing. It is strange that your spouse still communicates with the person she had an affair with, but aslong as it is just words and not actions, it is still acceptable.

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Q: What can you do if my spouse who had an affair still commincates with the other?
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Is your spouse cold and distant to everyone after his affair including your children?

if he had an affair, then he shouldn't still be your "spouse", in my opinion.

How do you cope if your spouse still has to interact with the woman he had an affair with?

The only reason your spouse would have to interact with the woman he had an affair with is if they are in a workplace environment and unfortunately, there is nothing much you can do about this, but to tell your husband if he slips one more time you are filing for divorce.

How long does an extramarital affair last?

Usually as long as it takes for one of the other party in a marriage, to start suspecting and discovering the affair, which generally leads to separation and divorce. The affair, then may continue but is no longer called an affair but a relationship or a concubinage. ANSWER: It depends if the spouse can keep his or her affair as long as he or she wanted it to go. But in reality there are some who still continued even though the affair is been discovered.

Is there intimacy after an affair?

There ca an intimacy after an affair if they still have feelings for each other.

If you are separated from your spouse and you date someone else is that considered an affair?

Yes it is, even if there's no sex with that person. By law especially through religion you are still married and that can be called affair or cheating.

Why are some wives struggling with self doubt and self esteem after spouse affair?

When a spouse has an affair, it can shake the foundation of trust and security in the relationship. This betrayal can lead to feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and lowered self-esteem in the betrayed partner, as they may question their worth and desirability. Seeking therapy and support can help them work through these emotions and rebuild their self-esteem.

Should you look for your own faults if your spouse had an affair?

You could, but it may be a waste of your time. You could be the 'Barbie' doll girl of the relationship or in the case of guys, the 'macho' man and the spouse may still have an affair and all the money in the world won't matter. As an example look at Tiger Woods and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Does a mistress ever physically attact the wife?

There have been all sorts of unplanned consequences resulting from an affair, besides STIs and pregnancies. In some affairs, the other person becomes a stalker or blackmails the cheating spouse; the affair partner (other woman/other man) harasses and threatens the betrayed spouse, the betrayed spouse harasses the affair partner. Even worse, there have been murders and suicides as a result of an affair. There's no way to predict what person will be set off by the results of an affair. ANSWER: AS far as I know yes there are some mistress that do no stop harassing the wife. I'm not sure how dangerous a mistress are, but I will use my past experience. When I discovered my husbands love affair, it automatically changed their life together. She said I ruined her life with my husband, and some other stuff. To me it's my husbands fault why she become this way, even they met on a dating site, it was him who pursue her even if she was still married. And because he fell in love with her but unfortunately I discovered their affair, he stop seeing her. That woman still part of my life even I don't have a life with the man that I married. But this is what the mistress is been doing, to make my life with my children miserable.

Why do married men who have a perfect marriage and relationship still choose to have an affair?

Not all married men have affairs and those that do have reasons of their own. Some men no matter how successful their marriage is may begin to feel around 40 years of age and on that they want to know they are still attractive to other women; other men feel somewhat bored in their marriage and are titillated by sneaking around having an affair. No matter what the reason it is wrong to cheat on a spouse and if the husband is that bored or does not love his wife then he should have the guts to face his spouse and ask for a separation or divorce.

What happens if the person filing an exparte allows the spouse to return home?

The restraining order is still in effect and the disparaged spouse can still get in trouble for its violation, even if the aggrieved spouse allows the other to re-enter.

Is it common for a spouse who has been repeatedly cheated on to have an affair of their own but still want to stay in the marriage?

I don't know how common it is but it is certainly possible. Sometimes they may believe that if they have an affair they may be able to get over the fact of what has been done to them and in most cases it does not work.

Is having sexual intercourse with someone other than your spouse considered cheating even if you have your spouse's consent?

It is consented but in a way it still is cheating on them