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Mean People and What To DoFirst, you are very wise not to get into hacking. It's illegal and you can get into a lot of legal trouble for it.

Second, dealing with people who are mean and do bad things is never easy. You can't control another person's actions. You can only control your own. The best responses to someone doing something bad to you or others is to attempt to stay away from the person and avoid letting them know that they getting to you. Do not retaliate. Retaliating is likely to result in making the situation worse.

Of course, if the bad things they are doing are physically or sexually hurting you or you are being bullied, the suggestions above are not enough. In those cases, you should tell someone, especially if you are a child or a teen. Tell your parents and let them help you. If for some reason you can't tell your parents, tell another adult that you trust. If it is happening at school, tell your teacher or counselor and also tell your parents. If the situation is not stopped, either tell the teacher and/or your parents that you need more help or tell another adult who can help you.

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6mo ago

If someone is being mean to you repeatedly, there are several things you can do. Firstly, try speaking to them calmly and assertively, explaining how their behavior makes you feel. If that doesn't work, consider setting clear boundaries and limiting your interaction with them. Additionally, seek support from friends, family, or a trusted authority figure such as a teacher or supervisor.

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Q: What can you do if someone is mean over and over besides hacking her account which is illegal?
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None. Hacking, or in the terms of someone who does not work for a the government, cracking, is illegal. Hacking is government approved only if you work for the government.

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hacking through cmd is the same as hacking normaly. Whenever you are getting into someone elses computer- or a website, its illegal. however, if its your computer your hacking, heck yea its legal! I do it all the time. If you have any questions on how to hack your computer or to make spam with cmd, email me at

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