

What can you do if your landlord comes over drunk?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Call the police, at least so they can document the situation.

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Q: What can you do if your landlord comes over drunk?
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I would say tipsy, inebriated (drunk), blacked out, belligerent, then comes the hang over.

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After being drunk, you have a hang over. A person who has a hang over is said to be hung over.

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Yes and no. A landlord has the right to have a tenant keep the unit free from rodents or pests. He can't evict you simply because one day he comes over and sees your house a mess (unless it's so messy it's a health hazard).

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No. A landlord has no authority over anything but the property he owns and rents to you.

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If the rent was not paid the landlord can file eviction proceedings against the tenant.

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If your property is foreclosed, either you have the same landlord until the property actually changes hands, or you have a new landlord who can exercise his own rules, including evictions. If your landlord still has control over the property he can still collect rent, and he can still evict you if you don't pay it. When the new landlord takes over you must follow that landlord's instructions for rent payment or vacating the premises.

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yes they can but make sure to ask the landlord first so you get no surprizes it also depends on how long that person has stayed over

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It means he's drunk and thinks you're easy.

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"Three sheets to the wind" means drunk. It comes from ships with loose sails, that staggered like a drunk person.