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The first question is why was he not listed as a driver if he lives with you? If you can explain that to the insurance company, they should honor the claim. They may back charge you premium that you would have paid had he been on the policy. All drivers in the household, especially licensed youthfuls need to be listed on the policy.

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Q: What can you do if your son who lives with you totaled your car but your claim was denied becaus he is not on your policy?
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Can a claim be denied if you drop a totaled car to add new car before the claim is settled?

Check your policy. I'd expect that as long as the totaled car was covered on the date of the crash that totaled it, you'd be covered - after all, if you weren't going to replace the car, would they expect you to keep paying at all? BUT, that all said, it's really your policy that will tell you the answer. Any insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company, and anything they say in the contract - that's the way it is.

Will a claim for a Drug Marijuana user be denied if the policy is for a non drug user or non smoker?

not necessarily

What law give the insurance company ownership of a totaled car?

It's not a "Law", it's an agreement between you and your insurer. If your car is totaled, and your insurer pays you or the leinholder a claim, the car is then property of the insurer to regain any money the can from the claim. It should be explained in the many lines of text in your policy.

Could an insurance claim be denied if you state in the application that you are a citizen or resident of the U.S. when you are not?

Possibly. Depending on the conditions of your policy, the claim may be denied or only paid a rediculously small fraction such as 8-10% of the premium value. Any part of an application for life insurance that can be proven to be a lie can void the policy. Companies that I know of will refund premiums paid, but will not honor the policy. Any intentional lie on an insurance form will void the policy if they find out. For every question on an application there are unique circumstances. If you have a claim that is being investigated or has been denied you should contact The Center for Life Insurance Disputes for a free consultation.

If insurance declares a car totaled can you cancel the claim and keep the car?

You can accept the claim and then buy back the car. This way you get money for the claim and you get to keep your car. The price for the car will be way lower at the totaled price than what you will receive in the claim.

How do you fight a claim against your home owners ins?

That depends on what type of claim was denied and whether or not the loss was covered under the homeowners Insurance Policy. It would be an unwise and fruitless pursuit to sue the company over a loss that is clearly not covered under the policy.

What can i do when you lied on your insurance the main policy holder details but if the named driver details are all correct and they had an accident how can i claim without getting into trouble?

Just file your claim, you won't get into trouble. The worst thing that can happen is that your claim will be denied, which is no worse than if you didn't file a claim.

Are you responsible for the damages when driving a car not belonging to you and it is totaled and the only insurance is liability?

You may be, do you have a policy on a vehicle that has collision coverage? If so it may step in, check with your company turn in the claim. If no policy then the owner of the vehicle could sue of course, then will be a judge's opinion.

What if your workmen's comp claim is denied?

If you claim is denied, you can try and appeal it. You will only be given workmen's comp is the injury happened on the job.

If birth year is wrong will life insurance claim be denied?

If the birth year is wrong this needs to be brought to the insuring company's attention immediately as the rates and policy are based in part on the age and health condition of the insured. If incorrect information is listed on the policy then that could be grounds for denial of coverage. If a claim is denied because the birth year was answered incorrectly, for any reason, you still have a valid claim. You should contact The Center for Life Insurance Disputes for free counseling.

What type of lawyer should I hire if I have a Medicare claim?

A Medicare attorney is the best choice for general Medicare claims. If you specifically have a claim that has been denied, there are even lawyers who specialize in denied claim cases, frequently referred to as denied claims attorneys.

Can you request a new adjuster on a claim if another adjuster denied the claim?

No, but you can ask for reconsideration of a denied claim. When reconsideration has been requested, it is standard practice that a different adjuster will be assigned for the reconsideration.