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Q: What can you do to fix my 2000 jaguar s type with a cats systeme light on?
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Related questions

What is the jaguar's family?

The jaguar belongs to Felidae - the cats.

Why is jaguar a mammal?

A jaguar mother nurses its young after they are born. All cats are mammals.

What order is the Jaguar in?

Panthera, roaring cats.

Is a jaguar big or small?

Yes, the jaguar is the third largest of the big cats. Only the African lion and the tiger are larger.

What are the big cats?

Leopard Lion Tiger Jaguar These four cats are from the same genus and are regarded as the "big" cats.

What car has a badge of a cats head?

A jaguar or a cougar

What are some names for cats with letter J?


What is jaguar's bite force?

Around 2000 psi(the strongest bite in the felidae which means the cats and 2nd strongest for predators on land second only to the spotted hyena).

In what family is the jaguar?

they belong to the family of lions,tigers and bears

How do you spell juaguar?

The word is spelled jaguar. Jaguars are large wild cats.

What are different species of cats?

tigers, lions, cats, wildcats, cheaters, jaguar, puma... etc

What big cats name actually refers to any carnivore in the tupi-guarani language?

it is actually the jaguar. I searched the history of the jaguar on and i found out that the big cats name that refers to all carnivores in the tupi-guarani language is jaguar