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generally not a lot as babies tend to arrive when they are ready! There are various theories about how to induce birth including pineapple, curry, wine, raspberry leaf tea and even having sex but i don't think any have been medically proven to work......still, you can have fun trying!!

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Q: What can you do to have your baby tow weeks early?
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When a baby has been born too early it is called a premature baby.

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it is bout 36 or so weeks Cynthia: It takes 40 weeks but most girls have their baby two weeks early or two weeks later than their due date.

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Could a women be induced 3 weeks early if baby is large?

Yes it happens.

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Around 20 weeks, though it is not 100% accurate.

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Usually between 16-20 weeks. Some can find out as early as 13 weeks. All depends on babys position and growth!

Is the baby survive if she was born 3 weeks early than the due date?

Yes 37 weeks is considered full term

How early can you give birth in pregnancy?

I think the earliest baby that ever survived was 21 weeks? But babies born early are very sick and do not survive a lot of the time. The earliest that is normal to have the baby is 37 weeks, which will be about 3 weeks before you due date. I had my last baby at 35 weeks and he was 6lbs 9oz and very healthy. It's dangerous to have it earlier than that because the lungs haven't developed enough for the baby to breathe on its own.