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rabbits usually bite things to help trim them trim there teeth but only when there 2 to atleast 6 or 4 weeks old aventually they will stop. Give your rabbit comfort and a wooden chew toy. If it keeps biting u after its atleast 6 weeks flik it on the nose GENTLY!!!!!!!!!!! this will teach it.

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12y ago

There are a couple of different ways to stop a rabbit from biting you. Before you start punishing your rabbit you should give him the benefit of the doubt and and assume he is just board. Wood chew toys may stop the problem. If this doesn't help you can try using a whistle to make a sharp fast noise with it every time they bite. They don't like the noise and will learn not to bite if they dont want to hear the noise. As a last resort you can try lightly flicking them on the noise as a type of "punishment". Also if the rabbit is a female and is over 6 months old she may just need to be bred.

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13y ago

Kill it or pull its teeth out

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How to stop biting my nails

What does 'stop biting your nails you just have to get this monkey off your back' mean?

It means to stop biting your fingernails. "Monkey on your back" is a slang term for any addiction or very bad habit. They are telling you you must get over your bad habit and stop biting your fingernails.

Is there something you can make at home to stop biting your nails?

People might bite their nails because they are nervous or bored. To stop biting your nails here are a few easy steps: 1 thing to do is to occupy your hands by knitting coloring or anything else that occupies your hands. If that doesn't help try to occupy your chewing. To do this chew gum or a toothpick. And finally you need the WILLPOWER to stop biting your nails. By doing this you can stop. Glad to help!

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tell him to stop! take control! or just mention it as a joke. my boyfriend kept biting me and eventually i told him. i was like "o hahaha my mouth hurts, maybe because you keep biting me!" he thanked me for telling him and were stronger than ever! :)

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