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You can check out your local pet supply store, they should have a pads for when dogs go into heat (can't remember the exact name). Essentially its comes in the form of a panty that fits around the dog with changeable pads in the center.

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Q: What can you do when your dog is in heat to prevent a mess?
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Do female dog make a mess in the house when they are in heat?

yes you get drops of blood

Can you prevent a dog coming on heat?

Yes - get her spayed. Keeping her in the house, away from other dogs will not stop her from coming into heat but it will prevent her from getting pregnant.

How do you prevent pregnancy when a dog is in heat?

Get her spayed, or keep her inside, and away from male dogs.

Can you use turpentine on a female dog to prevent her from going into heat?

No, this is a myth. Turpentine is a solvent that is toxic to dogs.

Should you get a dog fixed if on heat?

You cannot have a dog spayed during her heat cycle, you must wait until she has finished her season. After this, spaying would be a very good idea and will benefit both the health of the dog and prevent more unwanted puppies being euthanised.

How do you prevent a dog from rolling in dog mess?

If it is rolling in its own mess or that of dogs it lives with, that will be hard. You will need to be very diligent about cleaning up after them. Of course, that would make life more pleasant for whoever has to mow the lawn, too. If it is rolling in feces outside it's own yard, you will have to keep it in its own yard, except when it is on a leash. And even then, you will need to maintain control over your dog. This will be easier if the dog has had obedience classes.

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It is perfectly normal for an older dog to have no control over his bowel movements. To prevent mess let him/her out regularly.

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no it can not period mess is due to hormonal mess not other thing to prevent that blood use vaginal douch contoining povidine iodine

Is it normal for a female dogs Vagina to swell during her heat cycle?

Yes, it is normal for the vulva (the outer area of the female genitals, outside the vagina, including the labia) to swell, and for blood or other fluids to drip from the vagina. When the dog is in estrus, she is fertile, so you might want to keep her indoors to prevent pregnancy. To avoid the mess and behavior problems often associated with estrus, and unwanted puppies, have your dog spayed.

How can people prevent dog fighting?

People can prevent dog fighting by thinking of the importance of animals.

How many times a dog urinates if she is in heat?

A dog urinates the same if she is in heat, heat does not affect her urination