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Milk or for that matter anything high in fat because THC is fat soluble

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Q: What can you drink to reduce the THC in your system?
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How much water to drink to bring THC levels down?

I would not suggest using water to reduce THC in the body as the amount needed will cause hyper-hydration or water poisoning. drinks like cranberry juice or other drinks that can get you to urinate will reduce the THC but only if your not still smoking pot.... you can also try a cleansing system.

How do you get THC out of my system i am pregnant and get tested in three weeks?

drink lots of water

Does metabolism affect how long THC stays in your system?

yes, if your metabolism is fast and you are skinny THC will stay in your system as short as 1 day, as long as you drink lots and lots of water(;

Will red bull clean the THC out of your system?

Red Bull is a High-Caffeine Energy Drink. This means the Caffeine in the drink won't "Clean" THC but it will help get rid of it more quickly.

Im 5'7 and weigh 200lbs how can i naturally clean 4 hits of marijuana from my system fast and around how long will it stay?

Drink as much water as possible. If you drink enough it will wash it out of your system unless you have an extremely high THC level. If you do nothing the THC will stay in your system for a month.

Can you use nicoden to clean THC from your system?

No, it can't. Try flushing your system with lots of cranberry juice, if you drink enough it WILL work.

Is there a way to eliminate THC from the system quick?

If you drink lots of water it really helps or you can get detox pills

Get THC out system?

i smoke daily and passed with optimal kleen detox drink and never stoped smoking.

Can you reduce THC through sweating?


Does red bull get THC out of your system?

No it can't cuzz THC stay in you fat. If wanna get THC out just work out alot and drink fish oil 2000mg every 12 hour for at least 3-5 day

What will kill THC in the system immediately?

Nothing will get rid of it immediately accept for detox pills. It will leave be out of your system naturally in 3 weeks. Drink ALLOT of water, that will help flush your system out and if you get a urinary drug test will make it harder to detect the THC

Pills that clean out your system?

Do what i did...don't eat 8 hours before test and drink water if your pee is clear u are too THC is stored on fat no fat in pee no THC there either. Thc is the psychoactive of mari ga wanna