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any thing but really sugary stuff

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Q: What can you eat if you have cavities?
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Related questions

Are cavities a normal thing to have?

Cavities are not a normal thing to have if you brush and floss twice a day and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. However, if you don't brush often and you eat a lot of candy and sugary drinks and treats, then you would have to expect cavities.

What do you get a lot of when you eat sugary foods?

Cavities. Carbohydrates. Energy.

Does your horse get cavities when they eat treats?

Too many sugary treats can cause cavities in horses. A few is OK though, and most treats designed for horses are made with minimal sugar to prevent cavities.

What does Bruno Mars eat for breakfast?

He eats cocaine through via his nasal cavities.

What can happen if you eat too much sugar canes?

Cavities, heart attack, obesity etc!

Is candy the only reason we get cavities?

No - any food can contribute to tooth decay. It's just that the bacteria that causes cavities feeds on sugars - so - the more sweets and sugary foods we eat, the more chance we have of developing cavities. It's poor oral hygien more than the type of foods we eat that's more responsible for tooth decay.

What happens to your teeth if you eat too many sweets?

your teeth will be rotten and you will need to go to the dentist

Do the incidences of cavities increase in the weeks following Halloween?

Yes it does, because you might eat a lot of candy.

What are sugar bugs?

Sugar bugs are little bugs that make cavities in your teeth. They form when you eat sweets.

Why cavities are bad?

Cavities are bad because they can damage your teeth and they wont look good anymore. If you eat to much sugar you'll get a fill (AKA, a cavity) and that is very bad care for your sensitive teeth!

How do cavities spread?

Because it is a diesease that can make your teeth all have holes in, the reason why is cause these tiny microorganisms eat away at the leftover food if you have forgot to brush your teeth they will eat away, but if you never brush your teeth the tiny organisms will eataway at your teeth and cause holes in your teeth so just remember brush your teeth! :)

Why does gum give people cavities?