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Nothing you have to go to the vet.

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Q: What can you give a dog to help with pain and to numb the mouth?
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What can numb the pain of my foreskin ripping?

Take a tylenol and avoid any topical medicine. Ice may help numb the pain. Visit your doctor.

Why is part of your tongue numb after having your tooth pulled?

They use a local anesthetic to numb your mouth so you don't feel pain and it doesn't ware off for a few hours.

Will THC make you numb?

No, but It will ease any chronic pain and help you sleep better.

What can be done for extreme throat pain when Vicodin does not help?

The doctor at the E.R. can give you a liquid to drink that will numb your throat for 8 hours. If the pill is not working thry gargling with warm salt water and maybe they will give you the liquid.

Soothe Wisdom tooth Pain Easily?

Getting a group of wisdom teeth (or even one wisdom tooth) cut out is a pretty painful experience, but there are a few simple things that you can do to help remedy the pain. For example, one popular technique is using ice to numb the pain. You can either pile ice into a pouch and hold it firmly against the cheek, or you can suck on individual ice cubes to cool the inside of the mouth off and numb the area.

Does drilling and filling hurt?

To me it felt like someone was drilling and spraying cold water in my mouth. I was numb so I didn't really feel any pain.

What is anesthetic use for?

Anesthetic is used in operating theaters to put people to sleep when they need an operation

What do you do if your mouth hurts really bad?

use orajel. apply it to the part of the mouth that is sore or hurts, it will numb the spot that hurts for a while You should also strongly consider seeing your dentist, depending on what type of pain you are experiencing (not necessary if you have a canker sore, important if you are experiencing nerve pain).

How do you use the word numb in a sentence?

My hands were numb after being out in the cold.The medication will numb the pain after her surgery.The assualt left me numb and dazed, but I wasn't badly hurt.

Why do you feel pain more when you are cold?

yes you can feel pain when your feets are numb

How much money does a Indian dentist earn?

not to worry while removing the teeth they give u injection & it will be numb so that you will know the pain

What causes leg pain and numb leg?
