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Q: What can you infer was a reason for the border changes to Europe in 1919?
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to estimate, deduce, infer, or reason

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To arrive at... Conclude deduce to reason

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He lived in Europe, so you can infer, yes, he was Christian. But his middle name was actually Sebastian.

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It's the border between North and South Korea. Troops are not permitted to operate there. It straddles the 38th parallel.

What does inferred mean?

deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements. "from these facts we can infer that crime has been increasing" synonyms: deduce, conclude, conjecture, surmise, reason, interpret

What is another word for interpretive?

* understand * construe * infer * deduce* understand * construe * infer * deduce* understand * construe * infer * deduce* understand * construe * infer * deduce* understand * construe * infer * deduce* understand * construe * infer * deduce

The reader can infer from article that?

The reader can infer from the article by looking at various elements.

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infer means to guess

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It depends what information you have as to what you can infer.

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David Hume