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You can learn how these species have been evolving.

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Q: What can you learn by comparing the fossillized skeletons of extinct primates with the bones of modern species?
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Are elefants primates?

No, elephants are proboscidea. This order is mostly extinct since the last ice age, but also contained mammoths.

Mammal group that includes apes and humans?

The family Hominidae includes humans and the great apes. The great apes are the gorillas, chimpanzee, bonobo, and orangutan. A number of extinct species also belong to Hominidae.

What is the plural form of Australopithecus?

Australopithecus is a genus, it has no plural. You could speak of the Australopithecines though, which are the extinct human-like primates of the genus.

Why is the important for a paleoanthropologist to know about all primate?

It is important for a paleoanthropologist to know about all primates because understanding the characteristics, behaviors, and evolution of different primate species can provide valuable insights into the evolutionary history of humans. By studying the similarities and differences among primates, paleoanthropologists can better interpret the fossil record and piece together the story of human evolution.

How do dodo survive?

it's extinct, only 13 skeletons left in the world, 1 someone bought, while the other 12 are viewed at museums.

What is an adapid?

An adapid is a member of the Adapidae family of animals, which comprises extinct primates from the Eocene epoch, around 55-34 million years ago.

Where did the dinosaurs go when the extinct?

Their flesh rotted away, while their skeletons (if covered in sedimentary material) became the fossil remains we see today. The skeleton becomes preserved in petrified form.

What is the best way to describe a hominid?

A hominid is a member of the biological family that includes humans and our closest extinct relatives, such as Neanderthals and Australopithecines. They are characterized by their bipedal stance, large brain size, and tool-making capabilities.

How do atheist think humans where created?

They do not think humans were created. Most humans believe that humans evolved over time from some other, now extinct, group of primates via natural selection.

Did neanderthals have a low voice?

Since neanderthals have been extinct for thousands of years, no one can factually answer this question. Judging from neanderthel skeletons they had thick, heavy body structures, which means their voices were probably low and gutteral - but no one knows for sure.

What are facts about lemurs?

the lemur females are in charge.Lemurs are known to have a very good keen sense of smell and they are becoming extinct. Lemurs are primates and live in Madagascar. They may be really small, but they live a full life. About 20-30 years in their life span.