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Q: What can you make that will blow up with bake baking soda?
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How do you make vineger blow up?

maybe add baking soda

Does soda and baking soda blow up?

yes and no.

Can you substitute baking soda for flour?

Not to bake stuff like bread. You can substitute 1 baking soda for 2 baking flour to make reductions. You can substitute 1 baking soda for 1 baking flour for gags (throwing on someone in the shower).

What purpose was baking soda used for?

To bake cakes and to do experiments on it

What chemical reactions explains how vinegar and baking soda make a balloon blow up?

vinagar and baking soda can blow up a balloon because when you mix the two chemicals it creates a chemichal reaction nnd starts to fizz.

Does baking change the pH value of baking soda?

If you bake baking soda at extremely high temperatures, you'll drive off the carbon dioxide, leaving NaOH, which is in fact more basic than baking soda itself is.

What is the problem in how to blow balloon in baking soda and vinegar?

When the vinegar mixes with baking soda it produces a gas that will cause the balloon to expand

How do you make baking soda explode?

Baking soda and vinegar!

Can you bake chocolate slice with baking soda instead of baking powder?

if the recipie says to use baking powder you should use that as that is how it is sopose to be used but you may try and use baking soda if you don't have baking powder

How do you make a chemical reaction that makes stuff blow up?

you need to add baking soda(a base) and vinegar(an acid)

Are there things you can bake with out baking soda or powder?

Jam Tarts...:D...Hope it helped...

How do you make silly putty with baking soda?

wiht baking soda and water