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If only the surface bark is stripped, it will heal itself. If the damage is into the first layer of wood you may need to bandage it similar to a human wound. Wrap the area with a cloth and tape it up. Even if the bark is damaged all the way around the branch, it will still heal in time. If the first layer of wood is removed all the way around for more than an inch or so the branch is better removed. I just recently learned too that if the wound is deep and bleeding (sap coming out) you can use spray paint on the wound. It is similar to humans using super glue as a band aid and will eventually fade or be overgrown with new bark. Insects and animals also avoid the area. Try using repellent to rid yourself of the squirrels, avoid any animal urine, those have not been garanteed to work. Using chicken fence around the base of the tree can also help the tree.

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Q: What can you put on a tree where the bark has been chewed off by squirrels?
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Wrap the tree with chicken wire, that is how we prevented both squirrels and beavers from tearing up our trees. ====================== yes it hurts the tree, might even kill it. you can try spraying the bark with chilli and hope it deters the squirrels ok dude.........just kill the freakin squirrel its the circle of life! I agree with him just kill the motherf#$%ers bro!!

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