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Q: What can you put on peeling fingers?
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Would the use of Clorox cause peeling on fingers?

Possibly, if not rinsed.

Why is the tip of your fingers peeling?

The tips of the fingers are peeling two weeks is when this happens all started they get real numb a good thing to look into to see if there are any irritant can cause damage if not tended to they also say to prevent this use a hand dryer use a moisturizer.

How do you prevent your tongue from peeling?

Put lotion on it.

What could be wrong if the skin on your hands is peeling in between your fingers on top of your fingers and on the sides and on your palms and you're not peeling anywhere else on your body?

It could be your skin not getting well cared for because in the covid year my skin turned different for some reason and started peeling I stopped it by taking care of the skin by taking baths, using skincare scream, do other things that will help

Peeling fingers and toes?

There are numerous things that can cause your fingers and toe skin to peel. Some of these things include allergies, infections, immune system disorders, some cancer, and athlete's foot.

How many fingers is note e?

You put to fingers

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How do you hide your peeling skin?

This process will take about a 20 minutes. First put St. Ives Apricot Scrub on peeling areas. Leave on for 2 minutes. Scrub in well for 3 minutes. Wash the scrub away... Second you can use a (never been used) rough foot scrubber. And scrub on your peeling areas very gently. It will take off big flakes the peeling. If you need to take off little flakes of skin then I suggest that you use your fingers or tweezers to be sanitary and rub lotion all over the peeling area then peel all of the flakes off. PROBLEM SOLVED IN 20 minutes!

What could be wrong if the skin on your hands is peeling in between your fingers on top of your fingers and on the sides and on your palms and you?

I really think you need to go to your doctors so they can look at it. If it itches it could be eczema but I really dont know. Sorry!!

How did the ring fingers get their names?

They are called ring fingers because they are fingers where you put your wedding rings

How do you make a cardboard using durian peeling?

irst u must..collect ur durian peelings... then cut it into pieces.. using ur knife.... then...grind it using a hammer or a rock! after that..put ur grind durian peeling in a basin with water & after u wash the durian peeling... put i in a container or a box... then put it under the sun!. after it dries cut it into small pieces using the scissors then after that, put ur peeling in a basin with a little water and a glue(zoy) then let it dry for 2 days,,, and walah!!ur durian cardboard is done...

How does addition work?

Addition is like counting on your fingers. If you hold up two fingers on you hand, then you put up two more fingers, you don't say I have 2 fingers up and now i put up two more so i have two fingers up doubled, you say I have four fingers up. Like adding, counting on your fingers is exactly the same. For instance. two plus two if four so on your fingers you can put up two fingers and then put up two more and have four. I hope I helped you!