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loads and loads of foundation even if your a boy

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Q: What can you put on your face to disguise a cold sore?
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What should you put on a tongue if it has a cold sore?

gargoyle with salt water.

What if a cold sore wont leave?

There are two remedies that I use for cold sores. The first is put milk of magnesia on it overnight. It helps to dry out the cold sore and allows it to heal much faster. The second is to put carmex medicated chapstick on it everyday until it's gone.

How do you reduce the size of a cold sore?

At first sign or feel of it put peroxide on it.....then leave it alone!

How do you take off a cold sore?

To treat cold sores at home, it is important to begin treatments at the first sign of a cold sore. You may not be able to prevent them, but early treatment can drastically reduce the severity of a cold sore. Lysine supplements can help to reduce cold sores. Avoid touching them, sharing cups or utensils, or kissing another person, to avoid spreading the virus. Often, cold sores appear with other illnesses, so treat those, too.

I am 13 and think i have a cold sore on the corner of mouth Is it a cold sore if I havent kissed anyone if it is how do I treat it?

Go to Walgreens, Rite Aid or your local drug store and buy a bottle of TEA TREE OIL. Put it on your cold sore twice a day until it is gone. It tastes gross but it will help and prevent infection.

Does lemon juice kill cold sores?

No. Cold sores are from the herpes simplex virus and lemon juice won't help them. Yes, it will burn when you put it on the cold sores, but that is all. I have found that there are over the counter creams that work.

Should you put cold compresses on a sore arm after a pneumonia shot?

Yes; it will help reduce swelling and pain.

How do you reduce a fever without medicine?

put a cold rag on your face

What to do to your dad when he's late?

you put a cold wash cloth on his face

How do you get rid of a coldsores?

You use Abreva. It is the only cold sore medicine that i would recommend. It works extremely fast and you could have it gone in less than a week. If your cold sore has not even already started and you feel a tingling sensation on your lip, you are most likely to get a cold sore in the next few hours. The best thing to do then is to use Abreva and/or put cold ice onto your lip. I hope that helps. (:

What are some natural remedies for cold sore relief?

There are creams, ointments, and pills that are very helpful, but you need a doctor's prescription. Here is a home remedy: Cover them with petroleum jelly, put sunscreen on them, put ice on the cold sore, and when the cold sore is gone, get a new tooth brush. (Creams that contain benzocaine, lidocaine or tetracaine reduce burning and itching.)

What does they wore masks mean?

A mask is a thing you put over your face to disguise yourself. If you do a Google search you can see lots of pictures of different kinds of masks.