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Q: What can you put on your mother cats nipples to stop kittens from nursing?
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What is the name of a mother nursing kittens?

A mother cat nursing her kittens is often referred to as a "queen."

Did dogs ever take care of kittens?

Yes. There have been a lot of stories about dogs nursing kittens and Cats nursing puppies. I think it's the mother instinct that works in here.

What are the names of the nursing cats in Warrior?

The nursing cats--or the cats who are nursing their young--are called queens. The cats who are nursing their mothers are called kits, not kittens.

Why are your cat's nipples sore from nursing her kittens?

Because kittens bite on the nipple and their rough tounges lick it therefore making the nipple sore. what can i do to comfort her if my female cats nipples are sore can i put vasaline on it

How can you stop your neighbor's cat from being mean to your kittens?

Unrelated cats are instinctively hostile toward kittens that are not theirs. There are some exceptions, such as when nursing mother cats encounter kittens that are not theirs, or when the cats are around one another enough that they share common scents and lose their unfamiliarity.

Will the number of kittens affect the amount of nipples?

No. Cats are born with a particular number of nipples. They will not grow new ones when they give birth.

Why do cats nipples start leaking closer to time to have kits?

Kittens drink milk, and the females will need their supply of milk for the kittens on their way.

What helps a mother cat produce milk for her kittens?

Cats nurse kittens until the kittens are about four or five weeks old. At this age, kittens begin to wean and are able to eat soft kitten food. The mother cat's teets will dry and retract slightly. The only true way to tell if a cat is still nursing kittens is through observation.

Do cats have kittens after they already had one?

yes but sometimes that's not the case. some mother cats cant have more kittens.

Does Every Newborn kitten have worms?

No, newborn kittens are not born with intestinal parasites, or worms. Cats pass eggs or larvae in their stool or milk, and therefore kittens can be infected by their mother while nursing. If the larvae passes through the kitten before maturing, the mother cat can also reinfest herself when grooming the kittens.

Can a cat who is nursing kittens be given antibiotics?

Check with your vet before giving your cat any medications, especially if it is nursing. Medications can pass through the cats milk and harm the kittens.

How much nipples does a male cat have?

Usually the queen will have about 6 nipples ready when she has her kittens. 4 to 6 kittens are the average litter. Momma cats are for the most part very good mothers. Make sure she has plenty of food, preferably the kitten formula for the protein and vitamins needed for the kittens. Whatever food is left after the kittens are weaned can be used by the kittens. Good luck,