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Q: What can you say about the melting points of the oxides of zinc oxide?
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Is zinc oxide Zn20?

Zinc oxides are ZnO and ZnO2.

Is magnesium oxide amphoteric?

No, only aluminum oxide, lead oxide and zinc oxide are amphoteric oxides.

Is zinc oxide a solid?

Yep, actually all oxides are solids.

What are oxides and examples of oxides?

Oxides are substances formed by the reaction of oxygen with metals or iron oxide(Fe2O3), zinc oxide(ZnO), sulfur dioxide (SO2 )etc.

What is the melting and boiling point of zinc oxide?

Melting point of zinc: 787,15 0F Boiling point of zinc: 1 655 0F

What is the melting and boiling points of zinc metal?

the melting point of zinc is approximately 692K. (or 419.5 degrees Celsius)The melting point of Zinc is 692.68 K

When metal reacts with oxygen what product is made?

[metal] oxide is the result. Iron oxide is called rust. Zinc oxide is called . . . zinc oxide which is a skin and wound soothing ointment.

Are oxides used in industry?

Aluminum Oxide is a common grinding and polishing compound. Iron Oxide is used in Thermit welding. Zinc Oxide is used to shield us from sun burns. Many various oxides are used in light bulbs and carthode ray tubes. Plenty of pigments are made from metal oxides. Aluminum Oxide is a common grinding and polishing compound. Iron Oxide is used in Thermit welding. Zinc Oxide is used to shield us from sun burns. Many various oxides are used in light bulbs and carthode ray tubes. Plenty of pigments are made from metal oxides.

Four types of oxides and give example?

Acidic oxide, e.g. sulphur dioxide Basic oxide, e.g. iron oxide Neutral oxide, e.g. water Amphoteric oxide, e.g. zinc oxide

What is the name of the important family metal ores containing oxygen?

One name would be "Oxides", as in iron oxide (Rust), aluminum oxide, zinc oxide, and titanium oxide, to name a few.

What is the role of zinc oxide to he zinc oxide paste?

zinc oxide is antiseptic in zinc paste

What is the balanced equation of the heat and zinc carbonate?

The carbonates that can be thermally decomposed . They form metal oxides and carbon dioxide. When white zinc carbonate powder when heated forms yellow/white zinc oxide and carbon dioxide gas: the balanced equation for zinc carbonate--------carbon dioxide zinc oxide is :ZnCO3 → ZnO + CO2