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im allergic to morphine and even tho i hydrocodone(vicodin) and the sorts metabolize into morphine in the liver i can still take it or oxycodone(percocet)

also the medicine hydromophone ( dilaudid) is good for heavy pain and is what hospitals give to patients allergic to morphine.

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This the strongest narcotic in the hospital it called dilaudid.

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Q: What to use if allergic to morphine?
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YES!! I'm allergic to codeine, morphine, fentanyl, or anything else with the, "eine" in the end of the name. So my Doctor prescribed Opana for me. It does not have any kind of morphine or it's cousins drug in it. Hope this helps. Robin

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It all depends on what exactly your allergic to. If you are allergic to all opiates, than NO, you cannot take methadone, but if you are allergic to a certain chemical in morphine than you can take methadone because it is a different type of opiate and it is synthetic. But I would consult your physician before taking another opiate like methadone if you are allergic to morphine. But for example, my friend was allergic to "Percocet" because of the acetaminophen that is mixed in with the pill, but he was able to take oxycontin, which is the same drug as is used in percocet, because the acetaminophen was absent.

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you can have allergic reactions to it and stuff like that. if you abuse it it can be VERY dangerous.

Can morphine cause hives?

Yes it can and does as the result of an allergic reaction. source:i have them now xD

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If patient is truly allergic to either Demerol or Fentanyl (i.e. anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock), then give morphine. Both drugs mentioned above are synthetics, which are completely different family from morphine, which is an alkaloid. Hope this helps.

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