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Q: What can you tell about the strategy of the north to defeat the south?
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Was Washington a part of the north or south in the civil war?

The north, you can tell by where it is! :)

During the civil war why did the south have to leave the union?

because the south was angry, the north decided to take their money. north stole the south money and south very angry, but American way. north killed south and that's where theres no racism, Abraham Lincoln. #2 Mostly because of state's rights, the south felt that the Union didn't have the right to tell them how to live and do business, slavery was one of the issues that brought the crisis to a head. When the south talked about secession the Union said they would enforce the Union claim by force. That also inflamed the south who considered that an invasion of their sovereign states.

What does the Union plan tell you about the transportation in the South?

The importance of the rivers as military highways - especially the Mississippi, the Tennessee and the Cumberland. The vulnerability of the railroads, of which the South had much less mileage than the North. (Sherman's wrecking of the Georgia railroads greatly shortened the war.)

Why did Lincoln tell his troops to not fight back at Fort Sumter?

So the South would be viewed as the aggressor and therefore the North would be defending themselves in the war, instead of trying to occupy the Southern states.

Who were north's trade partners before civil war?

i can tell you what they grow i also have to know this for a project in my class. i only found that they manufactured cotton cloth, shoes, and woolen clothing. hope someone else finds more cross fingers and good luck

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The north, you can tell by where it is! :)

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yes it is now tell me of how south pole was form