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Q: What can you use an orange colored light bulb for?
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How much energy does a normal light-bulb make in comparison to a colored one?

They are the same light bulb, so they are the same. The colored bulb has coloring applies on its outside surface. They do not make energy, they use energy.

What can you use to cover a light bulb?

A electrical cord. If you have more questions go to

How does using a colored light bulb affect a solar panel?

Most light-bulb's would provide very little energy to a solar cell. Solar cells use a bandwidth that is not the main portion of a incandescent light bulbs output.

How do you use the Light bulb?

we use the light bulb in every day life

How many potatoes does it take to change a light bulb?

You wouldn't use a potato to screw in a light bulb... if the glass in the light bulb breaks as you're removing it, you can use a potato to take the light bulb out.

What did people use the light bulb for?

People use light bulb for luminescence in homes. It is a substance which provides light to homes.

Can you use a light bulb without grounding?

what is the relationship of light bulb and grounding

How many volts lamps use?

it varys from light bulb to light bulb.

Who would use the light bulb by thomas Edison today?

everybody would use the light bulb

What is a bulb use for?


What is the use of a light bulb?

How about, it gives off light.

What is the best type of light bulb to use in art lights to illuminate fine art?

An LED light bulb is best. They don't produce ultraviolet light, which fades art. - - - - - The best bulb to illuminate an art piece is a standard energy saving lightbulb. Also there are specially made colored globes to place in the bulbs. This should be placed in either an over or under lamp to the art piece. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- People say those that imitate natural light is best, but you should probably dim the lights slightly or use a frosted bulb.