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Q: What can you use to bind crabcakes instead of cornmeal?
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Can you use cornflour instead of cornmeal in muffins?

NO, totally different thing use bran

Can you use cornbread mix instead of cornmeal for fried zucchini?

Depends on what zucchini bake you're referring too. I substitute cornmeal all the time when I don't have breadcrumbs for a baked zucchini recipe.

What can you use instead of yellow cornmeal for your corn muffins?

White corn meal. You need the corn meal to make corn muffins.

Can you sprinkle semolina on pizza pan instead of cornmeal when making pizza?

If you want to. Or you can skip both and use a piece of parchment paper to prevent sticking.

How do you make hushpuppies without cornmeal?

Hushpuppies inherently include cornmeal. Making them without cornmeal is like making cornbread without cornmeal. It's a different dish without it. You can make fritters without cornmeal and they are similar to hushpuppies or you can use a mix for hushpuppies but it will contain cornmeal.

Can you use self rising cornmeal to make mush?

Yes it can. I believe it's called ''cornmeal mush''

Can you use cornmeal for baking cookies?


Can you use all purpose flour over cornmeal?

No because the texture is totally different. Cornmeal is more grainy.

What can be used instead of cornmeal on the bottom of pizza?

To keep the dough from sticking to the surface it is being cooked on.

Can you use flour as cornmeal?

no different thing won't work

Can I use cornmeal from 2013?

If it smells OK and has been kept dry and airtight then it probably will not harm you. However over time some of the organic molecules in the cornmeal will have broken down into smaller bits and the cornmeal will not taste very good.

What can you use to substitute cornmeal for oven fried zucchini sticks?
