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recycle plant thing witch helps us breath and use bike more than cars

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Q: What care you make to change this world?
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i dont know or care

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It make the life esier so it can change the world but it couldnt make it easier

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Doggytruth is an online world to make a dog and take care of it.

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make the world a better place.

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its like friends for change it helps the world in cash for reals and shows the government that we care and they take care of the rest and either send ships to the seas to clean or send more doctors to other countrys to the sick and poor

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he realy didnt change the world at all all he did was make the route to India faster.

Can you make this world worth living by taking care of the environment?

The world won't suddenly become 'worth living' if just one person takes care of the environment. Even if the whole world does start taking care of the environment, there would really be no difference. But there would be for you children's children's children. In fact, it would make life possible, because if we don't take care of the environment, they don't have a future.

How could you make a change?

go out in the world in do something people

How did the vacuum cleaner change the world?

make the city be clean