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mRNA (messenger RNA)

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Q: What carries the genetic information from the nulceus to the cytoplasm?
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Related questions

What are the basic parts of an animal cell?

The cytoplasm, nulceus, nucleolus, mitochondrion, chromatin, rough ER, smooth ER, the Golgi body, nulcear pores, and the ribosomes.

What separates an electron from the nulceus of an atom?

empty space

What is the function of the nulceus?

The nucleus is the control center of the cell, containing genetic material (DNA) that governs cell activities like growth, metabolism, and reproduction. It regulates gene expression and plays a crucial role in cell division.

What is an atom's atomic number best described as?

The number of protons in the atom's nulceus.

Are fungi cell nulceus present or absent?

Fungi have a cell nucleus. Like all eukaryotic organisms, fungi have cells with a distinct membrane-bound nucleus that contains their genetic material. The nucleus is responsible for regulating the cell's activities and storing the DNA.

What does the nulceus do in an animal cell?

It keeps info. the cell might need, otherwise it is the organizer

Do protrons in the nulceus attract electrons?

Yes, electrons have a negative charge while protons have a positive charge. Opposite charges attract each other.

What happening prophase 2?

Chromatin in the nucleus condenses to form chromosomes. The pairs of centrioles move to opposite sides of the nulceus. Spindle fibers form a bridge between the ends of the cell. the Nuclear envelope breaks down.

In the word eukaryote what does the prefix eu stand for?

Eu stands for true and karyo stands for nucleus. This can be used to help remember the difference between a eukaryote and a prokaryote. The pro in prokaryote stands for before and again karyo stands for nulceus. So prokaryotic cells come before the eukaryotic cells. And Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus while prokaryotic cells DO NOT have a nucleus.

What is the neurotransmitter that is deficient in huntington's disease?

The neurotransmitter that has been thought to be deficient is enkephalin. The striatal neurons in the caudate and putamen degenerate, causing decrease release of enkaphalin, leading to decreased activity of the indirect pathway of the basal ganglia. There is decreased inhibition on the globus pallidus externus, leading to increased inhibition of the subthalamic nulceus. This inactivates the indirect pathway, leading to hyperkinetic movements.

What is a mass number mean?

The mass number is the sum of the amounts of protons and neutrons in the nulceus of an atom. The reason we can get away with calling the tiny nucleus the key for the mass (remember the nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons) is because it is like over 99% of the mass of the atom (empty space and electrons have no significant mass). So, lets take the element carbon. Carbon will always have 6 protons, and around 98% of the world's carbon has 6 neutrons (this is due to natural variation). So 6+6=12. For the large majority of naturally occurring carbon, the mass number is 12.

Where does rna processing take place in eukaryotic cells?

translation of mRNA occurs in the cytoplasm